Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Yacht Week...Book it!

Looks like the best week of all time.

Monday, April 26, 2010


NEW Pelada Trailer from Rebekah Fergusson on Vimeo.

Word of positive reviews of "Pelada," a documentary about street soccer, is spreading. So much so that its first scheduled night at the Newport Beach Film Festival sold out and a second showing was added.

All the while filmmaker Luke Boughen is prepping for finals at the University of California, Irvine School of Law. Before starting law school, he and his fiancée Gwendolyn Oxenham set out on an international quest to capture the feel of pickup soccer games throughout the world.

"Pelada," the Brazilian word for street soccer, premiered at South by Southwest Film Festival in March and has picked up some impressive reviews since, including a piece in Monday's New York Times.

The film covers soccer in its rawest forms in 25 countries and include a lunch-break game between construction workers who are in the midst of building one of the stadiums for this year's World Cup soccer finals in Cape Town, South Africa.

The Times notes that the film includes some thrill-seeking moments, such as when Oxenham and Boughen bribe their way into a La Paz prison to play with the inmates.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010