Sunday, April 5, 2009

His wallet says "Bad Mother Fucker".....

The case was a highly complicated business dispute between two of the largest corporations in the world—a multibillion-dollar merger gone awry. Just as Joe Jamail picked up his pen to map out closing arguments for the next day, he heard a car horn blowing outside.

Jamail’s buddies—singer Willie Nelson and former University of Texas football coach Darrell Royal—were in a white limo, begging him to go out for a drink or two.

“I tried telling them that this was the biggest damn case of my life—hell, of anybody’s life—and that I needed to prepare,” says Jamail. “But they weren’t having any part of it. They kept me up all fucking night drinking. I could barely see straight the next morning.”

The result: ....FULL STORY HERE

Watch Jamail take a deposition (The voice on the right not pictured...) HERE

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