Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lattimer Loves His Twitter

Texas Tech's poor man's answer to Lattimer Brandon Carter has been suspended by coach Mike Leach for comments made on his Twitter account. According to the Austin American Statesman:

Linebacker Marlon Williams asked on his Twitter account why he was still in a meeting room when "the head coach can't even be on time." That tweet has been deleted and his page no longer exists.

Star offensive tackle Brandon Carter, a team captain, also had a Twitter page. After the loss to the Cougars, he tweeted: "This is not how I saw our season."

On Sunday, Carter was suspended indefinitely for violating team rules unrelated to his Twitter page, which was nowhere to be found later that day.

Leach said players don't need Twitter or Facebook. He called them "stupid" distractions.

"I think that a guy who plays college football gets enough attention," he said. It's for "a bunch of narcissists that want to sit and type stuff about themselves all the time. We'll put mirrors in some of their lockers if that's necessary, but they don't have to Twitter."

No announcements have been made regarding a possible substitute for pre-game spit swaps.

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